The default engine is the "ruffle" emulator, which supports AVM 1 (ActionScript 1 & 2) language and most of the AVM 2 (ActionScript 3) language. Users can switch between these two engines to compare parsing efficiency.

Scroll down to the bottom of the Settings panel and click View advanced settings. To disable it, click the menu button in Edge and select Settings. The Block and Allow lists will be available after you visit a site that uses Flash. Microsoft Edge includes a built-in Flash plug-in, too in fact, this is the only browser plug-in Edge can even run.

Después de ello, cierra el navegador y reinicia el ordenador por completo para que se efectúen los cambios. Set the toggle on for the Ask before running Flash option. Cuando lo encuentras en la lista anterior, entonces, tienes que hacer clic en donde dice Habilitar. In the left navigation, select Site permissions. This extension employs two JavaScript libraries as the Flash emulator engine for rendering Flash content ("ruffle" and "swf2js"). Here’s how to allow or block Flash permanently for individual websites: Go to Settings and more > Settings. Additionally, the extension adds two context menu options for SWF links and the page context, with the page context menu functioning similarly to the browser action button. No need to download extra apps, use old plugin versions, or be without your favorite games. Once a link is detected, the extension parses the content of the Flash and plays it in a new window that is sandboxed for secure parsing.

The extension adds a button to the browser action area, which, upon clicking, searches for SWF objects or links on the current page. With this extension, there is no need to install any native plug-ins to play Flash content on websites. The "FlashPlayer - SWF to HTML" extension allows users to play SWF objects within webpages, even though Flash usage is becoming less common.